Test authentication independently

You may want to test authentication in order to make sure repoze.who is working properly within your application, which is also known as “integration tests”.

This section will help you test authentication only, based on the test.ini file defined in the previous section.

The test case

In most situations, a single test case will be enough to test authentication exhaustively.

While testing authentication, you have to check the behavior of your application in the following situations:

  • When authorization is denied with the 401 HTTP status code: repoze.who must catch it and run the challenger(s) you specified. This is, when the user is forced to log in.
  • When the user logs in voluntarily.
  • When the user logs out.

So, your test case for authentication should be made up of at least three tests.


The .setUp() method of this test case should perform the traditional procedure to test applications with WebTest:

from unittest import TestCase

from paste.deploy import loadapp
from webtest import TestApp

# Set the path to your configuration directory here:
conf_dir = '/path/to/configuration/dir'

class TestAuthentication(TestCase):
    """Test case for the authentication sub-system in the application"""

    def setUp(self):
        appconfig = loadapp('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)
        self.app = TestApp(appconfig)

    # (...)

Note that we’re using the main application, which doesn’t skip authentication. This way, authentication will behave the same way as in a production environment.

Sample test case

Say we have the following repoze.who configuration file:

use = repoze.who.plugins.form:make_redirecting_plugin
login_form_url = /login
login_handler_path = /login_handler
logout_handler_path = /logout_handler
rememberer_name = auth_tkt

use = repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt:make_plugin
secret = something

use = repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd:make_plugin
filename = %(here)s/users.htpasswd
check_fn = repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd:crypt_check

request_classifier = repoze.who.classifiers:default_request_classifier
challenge_decider = repoze.who.classifiers:default_challenge_decider

plugins =

plugins =

plugins =

The following test case illustrates how you could test authentication for that setup:

from unittest import TestCase

from paste.deploy import loadapp
from webtest import TestApp

# Set the path to your configuration directory here:
conf_dir = '/path/to/configuration/dir'

class TestAuthentication(TestCase):
    """Test case for the authentication sub-system in the application"""

    def setUp(self):
        wsgiapp = loadapp('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)
        self.app = TestApp(wsgiapp)

    def test_forced_login(self):
        Anonymous users should be redirected to the login form when they
        request a protected area.

        # Requesting a protected area as anonymous:
        resp = self.app.get('/panel/', status=302)
        assert resp.location.startswith('http://localhost/login?')
        # Being redirected to the login page:
        login_page = resp.follow(status=200)
        login_form = login_page.form
        login_form['login'] = 'gustavo'
        login_form['password'] = 'hola'
        # Submitting the login form:
        login_handler = login_form.submit(status=302)
        # We should be redirected to the initially requested page:
        assert login_handler.location == 'http://localhost/panel/'
        # Checking that the user was correctly authenticated:
        initial_page = login_handler.follow(status=200)
        assert 'auth_tkt' in initial_page.request.cookies, \
               "Session cookie wasn't defined: %s" % initial_page.request.cookies

    def test_voluntary_login(self):
        """Voluntary logins should work perfectly"""
        # Requesting the login form:
        login_page = self.app.get('/login', status=200)
        login_form = login_page.form
        login_form['login'] = 'gustavo'
        login_form['password'] = 'hola'
        # Submitting the login form:
        login_handler = login_form.submit(status=302)
        assert login_handler.location == 'http://localhost/'
        # Checking that the user was correctly authenticated:
        initial_page = login_handler.follow(status=302)
        assert 'auth_tkt' in initial_page.request.cookies, \
               "Session cookie wasn't defined: %s" % initial_page.request.cookies

    def test_logout(self):
        """Users should be logged out correctly"""
        # Logging in:
        self.app.get('/login_handler?login=gustavo&password=hola', status=302)
        # Checking that the user was correctly authenticated:
        home_page = self.app.get('/', status=200)
        assert 'auth_tkt' in home_page.request.cookies, \
               "Session cookie wasn't defined: %s" % home_page.request.cookies
        # Now let's log out:
        self.app.get('/logout_handler', status=302)
        # Finally, let's check that the session cookie was destroyed after logout:
        home_page = self.app.get('/', status=200)
        assert home_page.request.cookies.get('auth_tkt') == '', \
               "Session cookie wasn't deleted: %s" % home_page.request.cookies

Depending on your repoze.who plugins and the way you use them, you may need more tests. In our example, it also makes sense to test what happens when the user tries to log in with the wrong credentials.

Table Of Contents

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Test protected areas without authentication

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repoze.who-testutil API

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